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Jenkins based CI/CD Rollout

The client is an American energy company that designs and manufactures crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells and solar panels based on an all-back-contact solar cell invented at Stanford University. The client has built comprehensive portals and applications on the Salesforce platform

Opportunity/Problem Statement

  • The client has multiple SCRUM teams distributed across the world working on future releases.
  • The client used AutoRabit for DevOps (continuous deployment and code version management via GIT).
  • The overhead of deployment was very high and needed 3 DevOps engineers to provide the release support.
  • The pre and post steps were manual and took hours to complete on release night. That led to a lot of time wasted from engineers and managers who needed to be on release calls.

Solution Highlights

  • Eliminated AutoRabit by implementing a Jenkins based CI/CD solution.
  • Built custom solutions for automating pre/post steps and automated destructive changes.
  • Removed all manual steps for pre and post-deployment.
  • Implemented Feature Branching and triggered deployment based on the story status changes in Pivotal.
  • Move stories to relevant releases based on story statuses in Pivotal which gave visibility on release scope to all using Pivotal.

The Results:
Reduced the release engineering team from 5 people to 1.Built and deployed the solution in 4 months and have been providing ongoing services for Salesforce Release Management and Environment Management.

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