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Consideration for Skill based routing – Salesforce

By |2020-12-01T05:52:34+00:00November 13th, 2020|

Once we know how skill-based routing works, we need to understand the factors and use cases to implement skill-based routing.

For setting up Skill based routing, there are 2 important factors which needs to be considered:

  1. Tag any incoming message under specific skills i.e. at Messaging User or Messaging Session level, we would need to somehow update that which skill set is required for that conversation. This might need some custom developments.
  1. Ensure we have set up different skills for different users/agents using multiple configuration steps. Once we are able to set up both, skill-based routing will work in Omnichannel.

While second is easily possible through salesforce configuration settings, we would need to figure out how we will be able to tag a messaging session or messaging user under a specific skill set.

First Use Case:  The student is sending message for the first time, for example – let’s say he sends just Hi,

What we can do is for the first-time users, we can assign it to a central group of users who can start a conversation with the student and then after asking certain questions like Language (assuming language-based skill routing), that agent can manually reassign the session to other agent who has that particular language as skill set. While doing so, the agent can also update the messaging user record and update the Language (custom field) on Messaging User record.

What this will do is that next time when the same student starts a conversation, the system will already know that language preference for this user is say French and then based on skill routing, the system itself will assign the request to agent who is tagged to French skillset.

Second Use Case: The student sends a message for the first time,

Second option is we automate/use chat bot to take inputs from the user regarding Language Preference the moment we receive his message. and then the system itself updates at messaging user level the Language (custom field) as French and then skill-based routing kicks in to redirect the messaging session to the correct agent. This approach might need some custom developments including to fix the required steps.


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  1. customer service March 17, 2021 at 1:47 am - Reply

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