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Salesforce and EventBrite Integration

What is an EventBrite?

An EventBrite is an app which syncs event data into salesforce. It is a free app which helps the event organizers to import data from their event to the salesforce. Event data is created through ticketing platform is synced to salesforce contact list and promo code can be sent back to the Eventbrite.

Benefits of EventBrite to the event organizes:

1) Flawless import of the data into the salesforce helps better track of the events and marketing campaigns.
2) Transfer information from salesforce to Eventbrite to quickly create events associated with marketing campaigns
3) Sync EventBrite data with salesforce with real-time, on demand, and automated functionality.
4) Optimize the app for specific business requirements with custom mapping which allows full control of data between EventBrite and salesforce.

Before start with EventBrite, we need to install this in our org.

Go to the link: –
Click on the install button

eventbrite salesforce
Provide third-party access:-

eventbrite salesforce

Now the package is installed in our salesforce organization.

salesforce eventbrite

Now we need to configure Eventbrite in our salesforce org. Click on the Authenticate button which enables you to authenticate with Eventbrite.

salesforce eventbrite

On clicking Authenticate you will be directed to EventBrite.

Click on Allow to continue authentication and if you are not logged in the will ask you to input the credentials (This is a secure connection with and not with any third party).

eventbrite salesforce

Explicit mapping

In EventBrite configuration page go to advanced object & field mapping. If you want to change default mapping you can go to the Advanced Object & Field Mapping. You can explicitly define which object and field to be mapped from Eventbrite to salesforce by clicking on the Go to Mapping as per the business requirement. We have Event, order, buyer, attendee detail, attendee profile which can mapped explicitly. Field mapping can be done for each of these objects.

eventbrite salesforce

Here is the example of Event object.

salesforce eventbrite

Eventbrite corresponding objects are mapped to the respective salesforce objects.

EventBrite object Salesforce object

  1. Event Campaign
  2.  Order Opportunity
  3.  Buyer Contact
  4. Attendee Detail Campaign Member
  5.  Attendee Profile Contact


For synchronizing data, go to Eventbrite Configuration page in salesforce. You can click on edit on sync configuration to make over all changes in the data to be synced. Further syncing can be done in the following ways:-

1) On demand sync by clicking on Start sync. Further go to Eventbrite Synchronization.
(Make sure to choose Eventbrite data you want to synchronize to salesforce before you start importing data from Eventbrite. The other way is that you can map the Eventbrite objects you want in salesforce.

2) Schedule a sync once in a day by setting the time.
Go to Scheduled sync and select yes next to Enabled Scheduled Sync. Just click to drop down menu next to Daily Sync time to click on time on which you want data to be scheduled.
You can turn the automatic sync off by clicking No.

3) By enabling webhooks also we can do sync.
So that app is constantly getting data from Eventbrite. With Wehbooks, you can sync Eventbrite order and Event Status changes to your salesforce account in real-time.
For this we need to click edit on webhooks section, now we need to give the external accessible URL through salesforce sites in your organization, then enter the URL in the field next to webhooks site URL

eventbrite salesforce

4) Finally by single event going to campaign by clicking the Eventbrite sync button on that page. This will enable the import of the data related to the Eventbrite event into the salesforce.

Note:- To run the sync successfully, the Salesforce object needs an Eventbrite Id in the Eventbrite id field.
The Salesforce object should have the Eventbrite Id if the event is created in the salesforce and if the object is not synced with salesforce then you need to feed the EventbriteEventId manually to the object.
eventbrite salesforce

Sync logs helps to see the activity of the logs.

eventbrite salesforce

Actually to see the logs go to the Integration log on the top of the page.

salesforce eventbrite

To increase your marketing and fundraising strategies by integrating Eventbrite with salesforce!!!

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