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Search Engine optimization

By |2020-06-22T06:52:44+00:00November 15th, 2019|

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process by which you can increase the visibility of your product, services or website on any search engine platform through organic method (without spending money it’s totally based on e!orts) with a better ROI. Search Engine Optimization is also known by SEO.

SEO improves your website or product visibility on the SERP Page (SERP page Stands for Search Engine Result Page). Search Engine Result Page is a list of results that a search engine returns in response to a particular keyword or phrase written by Users.

SERP page follows a basic structure. It consists of Ads, Maps and Organic searches. Generally, there are four Ads at the top of the page and these ads are known as Upper Fold Ads. In between, there would be 10 organic searches which is followed by three ads at the bottom these ads are known as lower fold ads.

SEO is further divided into two parts:
1. On-Page Activity
2. O!-Page Activity

Let me explain these activities one by one:

On-Page Activity:
Doing necessary changes in the HTML part of the your website is known as on-page activity or on-page SEO. It is also known as on-site activity. On-page activity covers 30% SEO out of 100% and rest 70% is covered by O!- page.

On-Page is further divided into two parts ie:

1. Head Optimization
2. Body Optimization

In head optimization, you have to put meta-tags commands (meta-tags are the sets of instruction or commands which is given by you to the robots to perform a specific task or job), keyword in title, keywords in URL and so on, whereas In body optimization you have to put keywords in your content, add alt-tags for images, hyper, e!ective videos and so on. This will boost your visibility on any search engine platform.

Off-Page Activity:
It is a process of creating network or links of your website with the world wide web. There are number of tools and techniques by which you can create the back-links of your website to world wide web. Some of them are as following:

1. Directory Submission
2. Social Bookmarking
3. Profile Link Building
4. Responses
5. Blog Commenting
6. Article Submission or Guest Posting (Directory submission and Article Submission always give Dofollow Links and rest of the four technique is responsible for Nofollow Links.)

There are only two types of back-links ie; Nofollow and Dofollow Links.

Nofollow Links:

The links that do not allow search engine bots to follow links. It means if the owner of the website is linking back to you with no follow attributes, it does not pass on link juice. Only users will able to follow the links.

How to insert Nofollow Command

Dofollow Links:
Dofollow links allow search engine bots to follow links and reach your website. In Dofollow Links both humans and links will able to follow you and the link juice will be passed in the case of DoFollow link.

How to insert Dofollow Command

Considering the above mention reasons, you can say that DoFollow Links is more powerful than Nofollow Links. But you have to maintain a 1:4 ratio while creating Back-Links. Suppose if you are creating four Nofollow Links then it is mandatory to create one DoFollow Link to maintain the ration level.

Robots are the sets of instruction or commands which is designed by the search engine to perform a specific task or job. Robots have various names like Crawler, Useragent, bots. Robots play an important role to boost the visibility of any website.

Task of Robots:
Robots task is divided into three main steps:

1. Crawling
2. Indexing
3. Caching

The very first task of robots is Crawling. It is a technique in which bots follow links to get from one site to another site. Crawler moves here and there in the virtual space and ultimately, crawling across many millions and billions of links and websites.

Search engine agents have responsible for indexing. It is a technique in which search engine crawler memorize the website’s content or links. After Indexing search engine agents know about a blog, it may decide to parse it and insert it into the database.

After that, search engine agents have responsible for caching. It is a process in which crawlers show your content, website. It is displayed your content whenever a user enters a query that is relevant to our content. This is the complete process of search engine agents.

SEO is a never-ending process. It is an on-going process if you want that your visibility always remains on the SERP page then you have to follow high-quality SEO standards. SEO plays an important role in the success of any business in this competitive world.

You have to follow the latest strategy or trends of SEO to beat your competitor. Unfortunately, many companies do not understand the power of SEO. But seriously, it places a huge role in the success of any business.

For more information, visit here.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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