Stress is always on a vacation @ Mirketa


Stress is a normal part of work and life these days, but too much of it can have deep impacts on both the individual and their team. We at Mirketa have unfused a culture here to prevent any type of stress in our employees – be it mental or physical.

Paid Time Off

We encourage our employees to take some time off every quarter and spend time anywhere but work. Nothing reduces stress like getting away from the office and spending time with your loved ones. Relax your mind, Rejuvenate thoughts, Release stress, Restore Energy – this is our mantra!

Past times in Office

The team that plays together, works better together.

We conduct a lot of fun activities wherein the team gets together over snacks once a week to have casual discussions about life other than work. We also have setup for few games like Table-Tennis & Cricket in office premises for the team members to have some quick matches during breaks.

Flexible Work Schedules

We have a team that belongs to all walks of life. We understand how the demands of work and home life can quickly become overwhelming. We keep a flexible work schedule that allows the team members to take care of the people they love, and in turn, allow them to be more stress-free at work.

Appreciation of good work

We at Mirketa make sure that the efforts our team puts in for the organization never go unnoticed. We give away rewards each quarter for prizes like Start Performers, Pat on the Back, etc. among all the different teams.

Peer Support

We have nurtured our environment in such a way that each team member always supports and helps each other which makes us an enriching place to work at.

Pranshu Goyal, Director of Products at Mirekta, states: “We envision DSM to be used by every small to a medium-sized organization dealing with bad data and want to get rid of duplicates easily with no cost. We have faced issues dealing with duplicates in our organization. That inspired us to make a solution that is not only simple to use but can be used widely to make the organization’s data clean to make them more efficient and productive. We want DSM to be a solution for every organization looking for duplicate management capability better than the Salesforce out-of-the-box solution with no additional cost.”